

How old are you and where are you from?
I'm 26 years old. I grew up in Horw, a suburb from Lucerne. Nowadays I live in Lucerne and go to school there as well.

What are your favourite blogs?
Here and here you can see some of my favourite blogs in English and German

What's your favourite book?
One of my favourite books is the 'millenium triology' from Stieg Larsson. Another book I really like i 'one day' from David Nicholls.

What and where are you studying?
I study Design Management International at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
We are an International class and therefore we just speak in English. In the first year the focus lies on "Experience Design". So far it was quite fun, we did different stuff such as:
- Layouting a booklet
- Moodboards
- Presentationtechniques
- a cardboard stool

The second semester will probably be a bit more theoretical with marketing and accounting courses! But still I am looking forward to it!

Does your classmates have a blog or webpage too?
Yes! This blog was an individual project for my Digital Media course, so all of us had to something like this. If you want to check out my friends pages and blogs, you can find all the links on this site!